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Hello! My name is Chip, as you can tell by all those who signed the guestbook.
The idea of making a "Warbird Website" came to me this summer when one of my friends e-mailed a bunch of her friends and told us to please come over to her new site and check it out. So I did. WHen I got there I looked around and and then a thought hit me. " Why couldn't I make a warbird website?" So I looked around the internet to find help on stuff like html and other junk you need to know. Luckily I was screwing around on my computer and found a program that helps you make a website. So I thought why not.
I looked over things on the program and made plans to have it done in a month. Thats about all it took to! The nights were long and fun! I worked hard from 10 at night till one time 5:45 a.m. The sunrise was bothersome as I was trying to get some sleep. You might consider me crazy, but I don't sleep much at night so I thought why lay in bed staring at the ceiling when I can be making my site. It took long hours of work and lots of time but I got it done!
I like to read a lot of WW2 , Korea, Vietnam books, and watch a lot of films on those subjects. My uncle went to Vietnam and got shot in the knee on a dust-off mission while trying to pull a man in who had been hit in the chest back to the chopper .
Stuff I like to do is: play baseball, go to school and pick on my friends, laugh a lot. Most of the time when my older ( 10-11grade) friends start beating me up I just laugh so hard! I don't know why, but I do. I like to listen to music a lot mostly rock like Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, and newer stuff. I also like blues , some Hip Hop, dance, punk, and nothing beats German Techno Music! I also like to hit on women who are a least 20 years older than me! Its fun to watch the reaction on their face when I start talking to them. But I like to hit on the girls at school. I make a point to hit on the ones with boyfriends and see if their boyfriend can catch me running away or not.
I also like to go out to lunch with my friend Matt and sit and hit on old (60-70 year old) women! They are the best because they will think your so sweet! And we think they are old! We also try to bum smokes from old guys (we don't smoke! Smoking Kills!) and ask them if they have ever shot anyone in the war. Most don't know what we are talking about, but its fun to hear them search for word to say to us (try putting "get the hell away from me" into nice words. That was funny!).
I would like to join the Navy when I grow up and be an aircraft mech. or in an extreme case a Naval Aviator. I want to live in a big house and have a nice two tone new black Chevy Silverado!
My friend Matt wants to be an Air Traffic Controller in the Navy. Maybe I could be on his screen!
Well thats enough about me!
Please, if you would be so kind as to sign the guestbook please do so!
Once again, thank you for visiting this site!
Chip B.