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Martin Baltimore

Although the Baltimore had a US Army Air Corps attack designation, it was never used operationally by the USAAC. It was used in very limited numbers in second line duties when the Air Corps acquired a few aircraft under reverse Lend-Lease agreements.

Span: 61 ft. 4 in.

Length: 48 ft. 6 in.

Height: 16 ft. 3 in.

Weight: 27,500 lbs. loaded

Armament: Four .50-cal. forward firing machine guns in the wings, two .50-cal. machine guns in a Martin (dorsal) turret, one .50-cal. machine guns in a ventral "tunnel" plus 2,000 lbs. of bombs

Engines: Two Wright GR-2600-29 "Cyclone" geared radial engines of 1,700 hp. each.

Crew: 4 - Pilot, bombardier/navigator, radio operator, gunner

PERFORMANCE (typical of Baltimore Mk. III & IIIA)
Max. speed: 300 mph

Range: 950 statute miles

Service ceiling: 24,000 ft.